Very Inspiring Blogger Nomination!!!!!!!!

Oh my goodness, what a lovely and completely shocking surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have broken my internet curfew (no online chatter after 7 p.m), but it is for a very good reason……………

I have been nominated by tuttacronaca at for “Very Inspiring Blogger Award”!!!!!!!!!!

Well, thanks in abundance to tuttacronaca for appreciating my work enough to put my humble blog, and writing, forward for such an award!!!!!!!!!

I am extremely happy and reiterate again; shocked, surprised and basically over the moon (if you couldn’t tell)!!!!!!!!

For me being nominated is fantastic enough. I didn’t even think that would happen, I blogged about that impossibility a few months ago; eating my words much? Yes I am!

Anyway, thanks, thanks and more thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S – Congratulations to tuttacronaca for winning the award – well deserved!!