Home » Madrid: Ex-pat Experiences & Thoughts » The Fallen Angel Of Madrid – El Ángel Caído De Madrid

The Fallen Angel Of Madrid – El Ángel Caído De Madrid

The Fallen Angel in Retiro Park

I mentioned this briefly yesterday in my post One Year In Madrid. I wanted to go into a bit more detail about this statue and how I discovered it; as I am fascinated by it.

After my first visit to Madrid I was informed that in Parque del Retiro there was a statue of Lucifer, the Fallen Angel. Which might not seem significant or interesting to most people, but as a confirmed believer and ‘lover’ of the supernatural and paranormal my reaction was; ‘No way, I have to see it!’

My curiosity about this statue was further piqued when I was also told that it is apparently the only statue of Lucifer in existence! So, I figured it had to be important and significant. I also wondered why it was in Madrid and how it found its way here.

On my second visit to Madrid I planned my pilgrimage to Retrio Park, with one motive in mind; to seek and find this statue. I had to see it for myself. So never being much of a map reader, not even park maps, I decided to locate it. I walked, and walked and to be honest got confused as although Retiro Park is split into avenues, with signage, I couldn’t find the signage to confirm my direction. Typical!!

Giving up on the map to guide me to Lucifer I just walked, and thought I’d find it, and I did.

It was quite weird seeing this statue loom up into the distance, set at such a lofty height upon a pedestal of stone, proud, and for all to see.

It was a cold and cloudy quiet morning, being about 10:00, and I was alone; just me and Lucifer.

Immediately my imagination sprung into life, and I have even included this statue in a story I have written. I wondered what tales this statue could tell.

Try as I might, I haven’t found anyone who has related any supernatural tales or satanic events being concentrated upon this statue or the area surrounding area. So, needless to say I am disappointed. Yet, Lucifer is THE symbol of evil, so there has to be something the people of Madrid aren’t admitting to. I have written in The Halloween Extravaganza that people in Madrid tend to shy from the topics of ghosts and devils, so maybe this is the reason why no tales are being told?

Yet, I know people who run in the park regularly and they tell me that just as they reach this statue they feel exhaustion hit them, and consequently they feel the urge to quit running! Is it Lucifer exerting his will over them??

The history of the statue:

The piece was sculpted by Ricardo Bellver for the 1878 Exposition Universelle (World’s Fair) in Paris. After it was exhibited here the statue was acquired by the curators of Museo Nacional del Prado in Madrid, now maybe they saw the evil residing quietly in the statue as they quickly gave it over to the city. Where the powers that be decided to position it in the park, and of course it still resides there today.

Now as Madrid and Spain per se are a Catholic nation, whether practising their religion or not, I can’t help but wonder how well received this statue was or is?

Some may think the statue merely depicts Lucifer’s fall from grace. It is a warning to be heeded by all that see him that if he can fall from his ‘pedestal’ then anyone can. Or, is it celebrating him and all his evil glory? I prefer the latter!

I think what makes this story all the more interesting for me is that a few weeks ago I learnt from a friend that Lucifer actually stands at precisely 666 meters above sea level!!!!! Now how the Hell (no pun intended) did they achieve that???!!!! Coincidence you may say, well, I don’t believe in them, so I think that was an act done on purpose by someone’s authority! Who, I will never know.

I can’t help but wonder if this innocuous statue of Lucifer is so innocent after all? I urge you to look again people! Maybe he is merely lying in wait, biding his time for the opportunity to escape the shackles of the statue and walk freely upon the earth!

Yet, that can’t really happen can it?

I mean, it is only a statue after all…………OR IS IT?!

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8 thoughts on “The Fallen Angel Of Madrid – El Ángel Caído De Madrid

  1. he is already walking this earth ruling it dominating its ways its trends its governments its lifestyle knowing he has a short period of time left…our leaders put up that statue cause they worship him

  2. Hay otra estatua más en el centro, visible, pero no evidente. Y todavía más… la leyenda urbana dice que hay otra tercera escondida, pero no puedo asegurar que sea verdad, es solo eso, una leyenda urbana.

    Creo haber leído que el autor de la segunda estatua, similar a la del Retiro, dice que no tiene nada que ver con el ángel caído; pero se parece demasiado…

  3. ¿Sabes que hay otra estatua similar en el centro de la ciudad? Es menos evidente, pero igualmente visible. Y no solo eso… ¡hay otra tercera escondida! Madrid y sus secretos… 😜😱

  4. Haha, I run in the park daily and I always stop at the statue too, though I think it’s because there’s a huge hill before that so that must contribute 😉 But it is a really interesting work of art, such emotion in his face! Also didn’t know that it is 666 meters above sea level…creepy!

    • Yes, it inspires a little curiosity. I always say a silent hello as I pass by! I thought it was an interesting fact too! I can’t help but wonder if they placed him there on purpose or by accident! Thanks for your response, Bex

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