Happy Humanity

Compelled by some internal ignoramus, people feel free to condescend, deride one another, cheat and lie. I wonder whether this is because these people, and their vile behaviour has been tolerated; never previously challenged or sanctioned before by anybody.

I also wonder why people are afraid of change, when all they seem capable of doing is moaning about X or Y their entire lives to other people who have their own s**t going on. Which by the way, these moaning Minnies couldn’t give a damn about; being so wrapped up in their own ‘life’.

Why do complete strangers vent their pent up anger, hate, spite, guilt and general bullying behaviour on other complete strangers and expect no reproach.

Why is it people just seem mean spirited in a general sense and enjoy mocking and upsetting others. Who said a daily dose of poison was good for the soul.

What is it that allows people to become disinclined to offer their help to those who truly need it. Does everyone walk around with blinkers; if it doesn’t concern them then they don’t give a damn; even if it is happening under their own noses.

Why do people give advice based on their own narrow interpretation of the world about them. Why do they think what they have to say is worth listening to, when often it encourages others to do harm to themselves.

Why do people think they alone face X or Y, and view themselves as the only ones unfairly treated. Just as though no one else has ever suffered other than them.

Why do people think they have the right to ensure others follow in their footsteps. Whose idea of life are they peddling. Why do they think the restraints they have applied to themselves should be applicable to everyone around them and their lives too.

I wonder why I don’t have anything witty or enlightening to add as a conclusion to this series of wondering questions, but then again, why should I.